Protecting Public Health and the Environment


Awards Committee

The Awards Committee of the Central Chapter is charged with developing nominations for the various NYWEA and WEF (Water Environment Federation, our parent organization) awards given out at the NYWEA Annual Meeting in February.  We also produce and submit nominations for the Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shoveler and Golden Manhole awards, as well as NYWEA Hall of Fame nominations.

There are numerous individuals and municipalities that contribute to the Association and Federation, and our industry as a whole and these awards are a demonstration of our appreciation for all of their efforts.

A listing and description of the criteria for each award, as well as a listing of previous years’ award winners, is available on NYWEA’s awards website.

We are actively seeking nominations for NYWEA/WEF awards. Nomination forms are generally due on or about December 1st each year.  Please review the award descriptions and email any suggested nominees to Brian Skidmore, Chapter Awards Committee Chair.

Awards Committee Chair: Brian Skidmore